Mihi Whakatau
February 4, 2021
Today we held our formal welcome, Mihi Whakatau, for all our new staff, students and their whanau. As usual our students…

Year 9s First Day
February 3, 2021
Today was the first day for our new Year 9 cohort. Our Year 13s stepped up to help settle them in.
Year 9 House Evenings
January 26, 2021
At the beginning of each year, each House holds an evening for Year 9s and their whanau at the Orchard Garden.
Stationery Lists 2021
January 26, 2021
Please find attached the stationery lists for 2021.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
January 26, 2021
Please find attached information on the types of device suitable to support your child's learning at school.
Starting Dates and Events
January 26, 2021
Starting Dates and Events
Drug Detector Dogs
November 24, 2020
We welcomed Zandi and Harley on site last week for a tour of the school. It was a very successful visit and they will be…
Dunstan Junior Volleyball Team - Otago Secondary Schools Competition 2020
November 24, 2020
The Dunstan Junior Volleyball team travelled to Dunedin recently to play in the Otago Secondary Schools Junior Competition.
November 24, 2020
On Tuesday 17th November a number of our junior students took the opportunity to give back to our community.