International Study

Enrolment Process and Fees

Enrolment Process and Fees

Our enrolment process is simple and straightforward - you can find more information below, along with our fee schedule, which will help with budgeting for your New Zealand trip.

Enrolment Process and Fees

You can apply to enrol for a place on our international programme at any time. Some overseas students come for 1-2 terms (in New Zealand the school year runs from January - December, and there are four terms, each of approx. 10 weeks), others will come for a full year or more. Due to our climate (hot in summer, cold in winter), there is no 'best' time to come - it just depends on what kind of activities you want to get involved in.

If you are interested in applying, the application form can be found below. After reviewing your application, we usually have a zoom or skype chat with you (and your parents if you wish) so that we can find out some more about you and what you hope to get out of an experience at Dunstan. After this, if we feel that we are a good match, we will send you an offer of place and a fee invoice so that you can commence the visa application process.

Many students apply through international study agents, but we are equally happy to take applications directly from students.

Our fee schedule is also attached below. This is a comprehensive schedule and should cover all of your school and accommodation based costs.

Dunstan High School International Application Form 2024

Dunstan High School Schedule of Fees And Costs 2024-25

Dunstan's most recent ERO (Education Review Office) report can be found at the following link:

Dunstan High School ERO Report 2023

The following link will take you to the Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice:

Pastoral Care of International Students Code of Practice