Where will I stay?

There are two options for accommodation if you choose to come to Dunstan - we have a boarding house (hostel) as part of the school, and more information can be found here. If you want to surround yourself with Kiwi students and get involved in the weekend activities that the hostel organises, this is the place for you.

Alternatively, if you'd prefer to live like a local in a family home and think this is the best way to experience life in New Zealand, we will find a family that suits your preferences - size and age of family, family interests, pets / no pets etc.

Is it cold?

The weather in Central Otago is typically hot and dry in summer (our average February temperature is just under 25 degrees) and about 8 degrees in July - our coldest month. You can expect to get extremes of approx. 32/35 degrees in summer, and -3 / -8 in winter. The upside to this is that we enjoy a wide variety of summer and winter sports.

How many international students do you have?

We don't have a set number each year, and we don't have a cap on international students, but the average number of overseas students at the school at any one time is somewhere between 5-10.

Will my NZ qualifications be recognised overseas?

In general, overseas universities recognise New Zealand qualifications (NCEA - National Certificate of Educational Achievement), but they may have other requirements. More information is available here, and we strongly recommend that you carry out further enquiries in your home country before making a decision on an overseas education. https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/studying-in-new-zealand/secondary-school-and-ncea/international-recognition-of-ncea/specific-country-requirements/

Where can I find more general information about studying in New Zealand?

This website, provided by the NZ Government, is a great place to start.