Our School

Principal's Welcome

Principal's Welcome

He mihi nui kia koutou katoa. Welcome to the Dunstan High School website, and thank you for your interest in our school.

Nau Mai, Haere Mai, a warm welcome to Dunstan High School

I am proud to introduce you to our school. 

Dunstan High School is a Y9-13 co-educational public high school serving our community here in Alexandra and the wider Central Otago Region. We have approximately 600 students and a Hostel that caters for 50 students.

At Dunstan High School, we base all our interactions around our three core values of Respect / Whakaute, Personal Excellence / Whakamana and Kindness / Manaakitanga. These values underpin our daily interactions and help us strive to be the best versions of ourselves. These values are encouraged, modelled, and explored through our curriculum.

Learning is central to all we do and we work hard to make our school a learning community dedicated to developing and supporting life-long, independent learners. Students are prepared for the ever-evolving, global environment in which they will work and live in. Our learning environment fosters a sense of belonging and identity and strives for individual and collective excellence. We believe learning does not just happen in the classroom but through the plentiful co-curricular activities that are provided by the school and our supportive local community. 

The New Zealand Curriculum guides all programmes of learning which provide personalised learning opportunities that are connected, authentic and relevant.

We want all of our students to leave our school with the competencies and qualities required to participate, contribute, and be successful in Aotearoa and the wider world. We want every learner to leave Dunstan High School with dignity, purpose and options.

Our mentoring and guidance programme, Whānau Ora, will help support and guide our students through their learning journey at Dunstan High School. We have a team of committed teachers and support staff who will do all they can to make your child’s time at Dunstan High School both memorable and academically enriching. 

We look forward to your whānau becoming part of the Dunstan High School whānau as we embark on our learning journey together.  We are proud of what our kura has to offer and look forward to welcoming you to Dunstan.

Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa

Andrew King
