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Year 10 Figure Sculptures and Year 9 Pop Art meets Kiwiana Theme!

10 Art Sculpture Music room installations. Individual and group works.

As part of the Art course the students developed a series of solutions to a theme based unit of work.

Figure sculptures:

After studying the work of Alberto Giacometti the students developed drawings using the

artist's stylisation and distortion of the human body. The climbing figure added expression to

the forms. The location of the works provided the surface which suited the climbing forms.

The single figures were the precursor for a group sculpture based on a celebration held in

Spain where Catalonians compete to build the highest tower of humans.

This topic provided the catalyst for a tower of struggling distorted human forms

almost toppling over. Groups of four or five first built a wire marquette to work out the

positions and numbers of figures required.

The final works are made using wire, tissue paper , PVA glue and acrylic paint.

Our intention is to add more figures in the coming years.

9 Art Sculpture Music room installations. Individual and group works.


As part of the Art course the students developed a series of solutions to a Pop Art meets

Kiwiana theme. This unit focused on the key competencies of cooperation and collaboration.

The Art department had been collecting old guitars for a number of years and now we had

enough to use as an installation sculpture.

The students had already completed a series of portrait works using conventional pop art


The new task was to transfer their understanding to the more complex problem of presenting

a three dimensional form that expresses true Kiwi life .

The pop artist Romero Britto was a strong influence on the colour choices and the

simplification of the objects.

In groups of three or four they developed ideas and then combined ideas to cover the entire

surface of the guitar. The painting process was a challenge and the students had to sustain

the effort for six weeks. Organisation was the key to success.

The students excelled all expectations and are very proud of their final products.

Mr Finch

This article was originally posted on: March, 2nd 2023