Industrial Action Term 2
Industrial Action Term 2

As part of their planned industrial action the PPTA will also be implementing rolling strikes this Term. This means staff who teach the following year groups will not be available to teach on the following days. 

If your child does require supervision for this day, can you please contact the office.

Tuesday the 16th of May - Year 9 

Wednesday the 17th of May - Year 10

Thursday the 25th of May - Year 11

Tuesday the 30th of May - Year 13 

Thursday the 1st of June - Year 12

Tuesday the 6th of June - Year 10 

Thursday 8th of June - Year 9

There is a possibility that this action could be postponed or cancelled depending on negotiation progress and we will inform you of this as we become aware. 

School will continue to be open for instruction for all other year groups.

Students in these year groups affected, should catch up on work from home if possible.  

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school office. 

This article was originally posted on: April, 28th 2023