Year 10 STEAM Rocket Launch
September 16, 2021
Here is a photo of Rosheen Moss and Madison Hamilton prior to the launch of their rocket, the Wonky Donkey as part of their…
DHS Visual Arts
September 16, 2021
Please enjoy some of the visual artwork produced by Year 10 and Year 12 Art students.
Cricket Registrations
September 15, 2021
Cricket Registrations are open for the 2021/22 season.
Skoda Virtual Southern Tour
September 15, 2021
During Level 3 lockdown from the 2nd to the 5th of September, Eddie Adams competed in the SKODA Virtual Southern Tour, run…
Rugby Jerseys
September 15, 2021
The last order of rugby jerseys is open until the 24th September.
Practice Exam Timetable
September 14, 2021
The Practice Exams will run from Thursday 23rd September to Wednesday 29th September.
Winter Sports Uniforms
September 13, 2021
All winter sports uniforms are to be returned to your team manager or placed in the bin outside the Sports Coordinator's…
September 13, 2021
It was great to have so many of our students back at school on Thursday and that we were able to provide a BBQ following…
Mufti Day On Friday 17th September
September 13, 2021
We will hold a Mufti Day this coming Friday in support of Daffodil Day, which we missed during lockdown. Please bring a…